Cryphalomorphus candidus Nobuchi, 1975   

Extracted DNA Code No Specimen DNA Code. COL-212
Click to link to the specimen screen

Locality Country Japan
Date 1967/06/06
Collector T. Izutsuya
Kyushu Kumamoto Pref. Gyotoku
Remarks 6 paratypes. Scolytogenes candidus: Nobuchi, 1985, Check-list of coleoptera of Japan, 30: 12
Literature Nobuchi (1975) 

Absorbance 1: OD 230nm (polysaccharides)
Absorbance 2: OD 260nm (nucleic acid)
Absorbance ratio value 1: λ-260 / λ-230
Absorbance 3: OD 260nm (protein)
Absorbance ratio value 1: λ-260 / λ-230

Nucleotide sequence Code Gene regio Nucleotide sequence DDBJ registration No.
Click link to the sequence data